2013 Vigil Honor and Founder's Award Nominations

Post date: Nov 10, 2013 9:04:48 AM

This year Achpateuny Lodge gets seven Vigils, of which at least four must go to Youth members. We can also give two Founders Awards, of which at least one must go to a Youth member. Please do not base choices on alliances or friendships, but choose those whom you truly believe have shown themselves to be worthy of being Vigils. Also keep in mind that the Vigil nominees must be nominated by others, self-nomination will result in the disqualification of that individual. To be nominated as a Vigil the Arrowman must have at least two years tenure as a Brotherhood member. As for the Founders Award, anyone is elligible to be nominated if they are an Arrowman

I strongly encourage all arrowmen to take part in this process and express their own opinions on who are worthy for these awards. All opinions are of worth in our marketplace of ideas and it would only be beneficial to have as much input as we can get for this election. Voting and taking part in these OA elections also shows initiative within a person to take part and contribute within our lodge.